Shakespeare's Religious Language: A Dictionary
R. Chris Hassel Jr. & Rudolph Chris Hassel
The Way of Thomas
John R. Mabry
Extension of Mathematica® System Functionality
Victor Aladjev & Vjacheslav Vaganov
Some Problems in Real and Complex Analysis
John Edensor Littlewood
Hallucinogenic Plants: A Golden Guide
Richard Evans Schultes
Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation
Doreen Virtue
The Corpus Hermeticum (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate ...
Hermes Trismegistus
Magical Alphabets
Nigel Pennick
Odin: Ecstasy, Runes, & Norse Magic
Diana L. Paxson
The Healer
Daniel P. Mannix
The Angelical Language - 2: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the Tongue ...
Aaron Leitch
The Angelical Language - 1: The Complete History and Mythos ...
Encyclopedia of Norse and Germanic Folklore, Mythology, and ...
Claude Lecouteux
Manifest Wealth and Prosperity with Thought Forms and Servitors
John Kreiter
Modern Sex Magick: Secrets of Erotic Spirituality
Donald Michael Kraig
Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells
Michael Johnstone
Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
Judika Illes
The Western Mysteries: An Encyclopedic Guide to the Sacred Languages ...
David Allen Hulse
Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft
Raven Grimassi
The Presocratics and the Supernatural
Andrew Gregory
Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia: A Complete Guide to Cabalistic ...
David Godwin
Icelandic Magic: Practical Secrets of the Northern Grimoires
Stephen E. Flowers
Plant Witchery
Juliet Diaz
Foundations of High Magick: The Magical Philosophy
Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Scott Cunningham