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Data Engineering Teams - Creating Successful Big Data Teams ...
Jesse Anderson
Historical Dictionary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology
Stephen F. Brown & Juan Carlos Flores
Philosophy and History of Science
Hans Radder
American History: The Ultimate Box Set on American History
Hourly History
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences
Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford
Psicología integral
Kenneth E. Wilber
Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie depressiven Grübelns
Tobias Teismann & Sven Hanning & Ruth von Brachel & Ulrike Willutzki
The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological Psychopathology
Giovanni Stanghellini & Matthew Broome & Anthony Vincent Fernandez & Paolo Fusar-Poli & Andrea Raballo & Renã© Rosfort
Phenomenology, Language & Schizophrenia
Manfred Spitzer & Friedrich Uehlein & Michael A. Schwartz & Christoph Mundt
Philosophy and Psychopathology
Manfred Spitzer & Brendan A. Maher
The Oxford Handbook of Child Psychological Assessment
Donald H. Saklofske & Cecil R. Reynolds & Vicki L. Schwean
Psychotherapy With Couples: Theory and Practice at the Tavistock ...
Stanley Ruszczynski
The Orbitofrontal Cortex
Edmund T. Rolls
Emotion and Decision Making Explained
Clinical Assessment of Malingering and Deception
Richard Rogers & Scott D. Bender
Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention
Michael I. Posner
The Psychology of the Child
Jean Piaget & Barbel Inhelder
Somatoform and Factitious Disorders
Katharine A. Phillips
Why Torture Doesn’t Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation
Shane O'Mara
The Oxford Handbook of Hypnosis: Theory, Research, and Practice
Michael R. Nash & Amanda J. Barnier
Behavioral Activation for Depression: A Clinician's Guide
Christopher R. Martell & Sona Dimidjian & Ruth Herman-Dunn
Behavioral Activation for Depression: A Clinician's Guide - ...
Encyclopedia of Adolescence
Roger J. R. Levesque
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict - Volume 2 - F-Pe
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