Unsere Erde 9./10. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch Gymnasium Thüringen
Martina Flath & Joan Fugel & Denny Jahn & Rolf Maroske & Ellen Rudyk & Ute Mathesius-Wendt & Ingmar Oehme & Matthias Stober
Beginning Google Maps API 3
Gabriel Svennerberg
Four Archetypes
C. G. Jung
Expert Python Programming
Michal Jaworski & Tarek Ziade
The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements
Donatella Della Porta & Mario Diani
The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence
Loch K. Johnson
Oxford Handbooks (1)
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and ...
Steve Coll
Ghost Wars
Secret Intelligence
Christopher Andrew & Richard J. Aldrich & Wesley K. Wark