Für eine neue Freiheit: Band 2: Soziale Funktionen
Murray Newton Rothbard
Educating Your Child In Modern Times Raising An Intelligent, ...
John Taylor Gatto
The Coelbren Alphabet
John Michael Greer
Proximity Levinas, Blanchot, Bataille and Communication
Joseph Libertson
Phaenomenologica (87)
A Riemann-Type Integral That Includes Lebesgue-Stieltjes, Bochner ...
Edward James McShane
Qualitative Research From Start to Finish, Second Edition
Robert K. Yin
A New Kind of Science
Stephen Wolfram
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology
Carla Willig & Wendy Stainton-Rogers
Introducing Qualitative Interpretation and Analysis in Psychology
Carla Willig
Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working With ...
Jacob T. Vanderplas & Jake Vanderplas
Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative ...
Charles Teddlie & Abbas Tashakkori
Qualitative Research: Studying How Things Work
Robert E. Stake
A Beautiful Math: John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest ...
Tom Siegfried
Responsible Conduct of Research
Adil E. Shamoo & David B. Resnik
Quantitative und qualitative empirische Forschung: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag
Siegfried Schumann
Handbook of Educational Data Mining
Cristobal Romero & Sebastian Ventura & Mykola Pechenizkiy & Ryan S. J. D. Baker
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Science Fictions: How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype Undermine ...
Stuart Ritchie
The Hot Zone
Richard Preston
Alchemists of Human Nature: Psychological Utopianism in Gross, ...
Petteri Pietikäinen
The Primitive Edge of Experience
Thomas H. Ogden
Knowledge and Action
Peter Meusburger & Benno Werlen & Laura Suarsana
Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Structural Equation Models
John J. McArdle & John R. Nesselroade
Scientific Thinking in Speech and Language Therapy
Carmel Lum
Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques
Ricardo V. Lloyd