Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion
Robert Gordon Wasson
The Venetian Empire: A Sea Voyage
Jan Morris
A Double Sorrow
Lavinia Greenlaw
Encyclopedia of the Underground Railroad
J. Blaine Hudson
Ontology and the Lexicon: A Natural Language Processing Perspective
Chu-Ren Huang & Nicoletta Calzolari & Aldo Gangemi & Alessandro Lenci & Alessandro Oltramari & Laurent Prevot
Writings of Leon Trotsky (1929)
Leon Trotsky
Selections From the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
Toward the United Front: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress ...
Communistische Internationale
International Communism and the Communist International, 1919-43
Tim Rees & Andrew Thorpe
Quantitative und qualitative empirische Forschung: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag
Siegfried Schumann