Marcus Aurelias -The Meditations
Beverly Hood
Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, ...
Mike Green & Esther Cameron
Frege: Importance and Legacy
Matthias Schirn
Phoneme and Morpheme in Kabardian (Eastern Adyghe)
Aert Hendrik Kuipers
Greek Mythology: A Concise Guide to Ancient Gods, Heroes, Beliefs ...
Hourly History
The Oxford Handbook of Free Will
Robert Kane
The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy
Frank Jackson & Michael Smith
The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics
Bonnie Steinbock
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Other ...
Max Weber
Five Minds for the Future
Howard E. Gardner
Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction
Gregory Bassham & James M. Wallace & William Irwin & Henry Nardone
The New Leviathan, Or, Man, Society, Civilization, and Barbarism
Robin George Collingwood
Philosophical Essays
Bertrand Russell
Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism
Hannah Arendt
Thinking Without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975
Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition
Steve Buckler
Responsibility and Judgment
The Freedom to Be Free: From Thinking Without a Banister
Arendt and Heidegger
Dana Richard Villa
On Human Nature
Roger Scruton
The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism
Ayn Rand & Nathaniel Branden
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics ...
Jonathan Haidt
The Normative Animal?: On the Anthropological Significance of ...
Neil Roughley & Kurt Bayertz
A Refutation of Moral Relativism: Interviews With an Absolutist
Peter J. Kreeft
How Algorithms Create and Prevent Fake News
Noah Giansiracusa