Mixed Methods: A short guide to applied mixed methods research
Sam Ladner
Web Coding & Development All-In-One for Dummies
Paul McFedries
Oxford Case Histories in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Alissa J. Walsh & Otto C. Buchel & Jane Collier & Simon P. L. Travis
Confronting Evil: A Jungian Guide to Searching for Light in ...
Bud Harris
Heidegger's Temporal Idealism
William D. Blattner
God's Irishmen: Theological Debates in Cromwellian Ireland
Crawford Gribben
The Early Church at Work and Worship, Vol II: Volume 2: Catechesis, ...
Everett Ferguson
The Jesuits and the Thirty Years War: Kings, Courts, and Confessors
Robert Bireley
The Crusades: A Very Short Introduction
Christopher Tyerman
DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America
David Horowitz