Corpus-Based Induction of Syntactic Structure: Models of Dependency ...
Dan Klein & Christopher D. Manning
The Astronaut's Wife
Robert Tine
Introduction to Real Analysis
Christopher Heil
A Refutation of Moral Relativism: Interviews With an Absolutist
Peter J. Kreeft
English Grammar: Advanced grammar and vocabulary quiz book
Melvin, Jacqueline
Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy
Nicholas D. Smith & Paul Woodruff
Reading the Qur'an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560
Thomas Burman
Reading the Buddha's Discourses in Pali: A Practical Guide to ...
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Rashi - Linguist Despite Himself: A Study of the Linguistic ...
Jonathan Kearney
Protagoras and Logos: A Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric
Edward Schiappa
Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy
Philip Kitcher
Politics and the English Language
George Orwell
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek
Matthew S. Demoss
The IVP Pocket Reference Series (1)
Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity
Dominic J. O'Meara
Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages
G. R. Evans
Philosophy and Religion
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling
Philosophy of Religion in the Twenty-First Century
D. Z. Phillips & Timothy Tessin
Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of ...
David Albertson
Learning to Read Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar
Robert Ray Ellis
Hand to Hand: Listening to the Work of Art
Jean-Louis Chrétien
Conflict and Reconciliation: Perspectives on Nicholas of Cusa
Iñigo Kristien Marcel Bocken
Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa
Nancy J. Hudson
A Short History of Myth
Karen Armstrong
Eighty-Three Different Questions (The Fathers of the Church, ...
Saint Augustine
Cusanus: A Legacy of Learned Ignorance
Peter J. Casarella