Interpersonal Relationships and the Self-Concept
Brent A. Mattingly & Kevin P. McIntyre & Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.
An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English
Ernest Weekley
Do I Stay Christian?: A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, ...
Brian D. McLaren
Practical Natural Language Processing With Python
Mathangi Sri
The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration
Sandra M. Bucerius & Michael H. Tonry
Die Gesellschaft der Nachhaltigkeit: Umrisse eines Forschungsprogramms
Sighard Neckel & Natalia Besedovsky & Moritz Boddenberg & Martina Hasenfratz & Sarah Miriam Pritz & Timo Wiegand
Nachhaltige Nicht-Nachhaltigk[..] Warum Die ökologische Transformation ...
Ingolfur Blühdorn & Felix Butzlaff & Michael Deflorian & Daniel Hausknost & Mirijam Mock