Jungle Warfare
R. I. Channon
Machine Learning Design Patterns
Valliappa Lakshmanan & Sara Robinson & Michael Munn
Complete Guide to Test Automation
Arnon Axelrod
George Magazine - Rabin Assassination 1997
George Magazine
An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
Walter W. Skeat
Humanities Data Analysis: Case Studies with Python
Folgert Karsdorp & Mike Kestemont & Allen Riddell
A Concise Introduction to Linguistics
Bruce M. Rowe & Diane P. Levine
Secrets of the Knights Templar
Susie Hodge
The Shield of Silence
Lauren Stiller Rikleen
Remembering the Past in Contemporary African American Fiction
Keith Byerman
Postmodernism, Or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
Fredric Jameson
Occupy Nation
Todd Gitlin
Nixon's Secrets
Roger Stone
Method, Substance, and the Future of African Philosophy
Edwin E. Etieyibo
Making Conversation
Fred Dust
Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
Robert M. Sapolsky
Negative Horizon: An Essay in Dromoscopy
Paul Virilio
The Original Accident
Polar Inertia
Paul Virilio: From Modernism to Hypermodernism and Beyond
John Armitage
Ian James
Routledge Critical Thinkers (1)
Virilio Live: Selected Interviews
Virilio and the Media
Theory and Media (1)
Lee Harvey Oswald: 48 Hours to Live
Steven M. Gillon
Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies
Janet McIntosh & Norma Mendoza-Denton