Applied Generative AI for Beginners
Akshay Kulkarni & Adarsha Shivananda & Anoosh Kulkarni & Dilip Gudivada
The Gospel of Philip: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis ...
Jean-Yves Leloup
After Gödel: Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic
Richard L. Tieszen
The Wounded Healer: Countertransference From a Jungian Perspective
David Sedgwick
Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
Barnabas Bede
Domination without Dominance
Gonzalo Lamana & Walter D. Mignolo & Irene Silverblatt & Sonia Saldívar-Hull
Latin America Otherwise (1)
Burnin' Down the House: Home in African American Literature
Valerie Sweeney Prince
The Book of Gutsy Women
Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton
Are Prisons Obsolete?
Angela Yvonne Davis
African Intellectuals: Rethinking Politics, Language, Gender ...
Thandika Mkandawire
Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market
Pierre Bourdieu
Constructing Kingship: The Capetian Monarchs of France and the ...
James L. Naus
Remembering and Imagining Palestine: Identity and Nationalism ...
Haim Gerber
The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore
Patricia Monaghan
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies: The Ultimate A–Z ...
John Michael Greer
The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures: The Ultimate ...
John Matthews & Caitlin Matthews
The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language
Moray Watson & Michelle Macleod
The Development Dictionary: A Guide to Knowledge as Power
Wolfgang Sachs
The Bourdieu Paradigm: The Origins and Evolution of an Intellectual ...
Derek Robbins
The Cradle of Language
Rudolf Botha & Chris Knight
The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
Cambridge Companion To Philosophy
The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy
Miranda Fricker & Hornsby Jennifer
Cambridge Companions to Philosophy (1)
The Cambridge Companion to Habermas
Stephen White & Stephen K. White & Stephen Solomon White & White Stephen K.
The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss
Steven B. Smith
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages
Roger D. Woodard