Indian Philosophy and the Consequences of Knowledge: Themes ...
Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad
The Edison gene : ADHD and the gift of the hunter child
Thom Hartmann
Learn Python in 24 Hours
Sunny Chanday
Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages
G. R. Evans
Carnival and Cannibal: Ventriloquous Evil
Jean Baudrillard
Christian Philosophy: An Introduction
Etienne Gilson
An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, Vol. 3: Philosophical ...
S. H. Nasr & Mehdi Aminrazavi
Encyclopedia of the Hundred Years War
John A. Wagner
Historical Dictionary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology
Stephen F. Brown & Juan Carlos Flores
Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft
Michael David Bailey
An Introduction to English Runes
Raymond Ian Page
From Empedocles to Wittgenstein: Historical Essays in Philosophy
Anthony John Patrick Kenny & Anthony Kenny
From the Circle of Alcuin to the School of Auxerre: Logic, Theology ...
John Marenbon
Medieval Philosophy: An Introduction
Islamic Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide
Majid Fakhry
Knowledge in Medieval Philosophy
Henrik Lagerlund
Later Medieval Philosophy (1150-1350): An Introduction
Leibniz Re-Interpreted
Lloyd Strickland
Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia
Seán Duffy & Ailbhe MacShamhráin & James Moynes
Medieval Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume ...
Anthony Kenny & Pro-Vice-chancellor (development) Anthony Kenny
Medieval Philosophy: A History of Philosophy without Any Gaps
Peter Adamson
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy - Volume 1
Robert Pasnau
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy - Volume 2
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy - Volume 3