Introduction to Blender 3.0
Gianpiero Moioli
An Introduction to Old English
Richard M. Hogg
Character: New Directions From Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology
R. Michael Furr & Angela Knobel & William Fleeson
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3
Jaan Kiusalaas
15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management: The ...
Kevin Kruse
Philosophy of Art: A Contemporary Introduction
Noël Carroll
Aesthetic Order: A Philosophy of Order, Beauty and Art
Ruth Lorand
A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time
Adrian Bardon
Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
Anne D. R. Sheppard
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction
Robert Stecker
Essays on the Philosophy of Music
Ernst Bloch
Philosophy of the Arts: An Introduction to Aesthetics
Gordon Graham
Introduction to a Philosophy of Music
Peter Kivy
Rembrandt: An Essay in the Philosophy of Art
Georg Simmel
Philosophy Then and Now: A Look Back at 26 Centuries of Thought ...
Zaine Ridling
Sounding the Virtual: Gilles Deleuze and the Theory and Philosophy ...
Brian Clarence Hulse & Nick Nesbitt
The Philosophy of Enchantment: Studies in Folktale, Cultural ...
Robin George Collingwood & David Boucher & Wendy James & Philip Smallwood
The Philosophy of Poetry: The Genius of Lucretius
Henri Bergson
The Philosophy of the Enlightenment: Updated Edition
Ernst Cassirer
Themes in the Philosophy of Music
Stephen Davies
Things Merely Are: Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens
Simon Critchley
The hermeneutic background of C. G. Jung - Paper
William E. Smythe & Angelina Baydala
A History of Language Philosophies
Lia Formigari
The Warburg Years (1919-1933): Essays on Language, Art, Myth, ...