The Computer and the Brain
John von Neumann
In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How ...
Alister McGrath
Mastering Python for Networking and Security: Leverage the Scripts ...
Jose Manuel Ortega
A Dictionary of Psychology
Andrew M. Colman
Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- a Learner's Guide
Lynn Beighley
Uncanny Modernity: Cultural Theories, Modern Anxieties
Jo Collins & John Jervis
High Theory/Low Culture
Mikita Brottman
A Cultural History of Pregnancy: Pregnancy, Medicine and Culture, ...
Clare Hanson
Africa Today: Culture, Economics, Religion, Security
Heather Deegan
Debating the Good Society: A Quest to Bridge America's Moral ...
Andrew Bard Schmookler
Form and Dialectic in Georg Simmel's Sociology: A New Interpretation
H. Schermer & D. Jary
The Colonization of Psychic Space: A Psychoanalytic Social Theory ...
Kelly Oliver
Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice
Peter Rushton & Catherine Donovan
Against Austerity: How We Can Fix the Crisis They Made
Richard Seymour
The Heart of History: Individuality in Evolution
John Weir Perry
Liquid Surveillance: A Conversation
Zygmunt Bauman & David Lyon
Surveillance Studies, Power Studies, Social Sciences (1)
Secularity and Science: What Scientists Around the World Really ...
Elaine Howard Ecklund & David R. Johnson & Brandon Vaidyanathan & Kirstin R. W. Matthews & Steven W. Lewis & Robert A. Thomson, Jr. & Di Di
The Shifting Ground of Globalization: Labor and Mineral Extraction ...
Thiago Aguiar
Deciphering Ancient Minds
David Lewis-Williams
Knowledge and the City
Francisco Javier Carrillo & Tan Yigitcanlar & Blanca García & Antti Lönnqvist
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict - Volume 2 - F-Pe
Lester R. Kurtz & Jennifer E. Turpin
Encyclopedia of Sociology
Edgar F. Borgatta & Rhonda J. V. Montgomery
Poverty in the United States : An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, ...
Gwendolyn Mink & Alice M. O'Connor
It Could Happen Here: Why America Is Tipping From Hate to the ...
Jonathan Greenblatt
The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing ...
Christopher Lasch