The Existentialist Moment: The Rise of Sartre as a Public Intellectual
Patrick Baert
Intermediate Polish: A Grammar and Workbook
Dana Bielec
DevOps on Google Cloud Platform: Covering Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes
Sachinv Srivastava
The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy
Michael Fontaine & Adele C. Scafuro
Logical Structures for Representation of Knowledge and Uncertainty
Ellen Hisdal
The Linear Algebra Survival Guide: Illustrated with Mathematica®
Fred Szabo
Mathematical Analysis using Mathematica®
Cesar Perez Lopez
Matrix Algebra with Mathematica®
Differential Equations with Mathematica®
James P. Braselton & Martha L. Abell
Analysis with Mathematica®
Galina Filipuk & Andrzej Kozlowski
Algorithmen von Hammurapi bis Gödel: Mit Beispielen aus den ...
Jochen Ziegenbalg & Oliver Ziegenbalg & Bernd Ziegenbalg
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: with Mathematica®
Jonathan M. Borwein & Matthew P. Skerritt
Gotik und Graphik im Mathematikunterri[..] Konzepte mit Sketchpad ...
Rolf Joachim Neveling
Linear Algebra with Mathematica®
Cesar Lopez Perez
Linear Algebra Exploring Analytic Geometry with Mathematica®
Donal L. Vossler
Linear Algebra
John B. Fraleigh & Raymond A. Beauregard
Lineare Algebra mit Mathematica® und Maple: Repetitorium und ...
Walter Strampp
Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering: with Applications ...
Howard Ted Davis & Kendall T. Thomson
Mathematica® Cookbook
Sal Mangano
Cookbook (1)
Mathematica® as a Tool: An Introduction with Practical Examples
Stephan Kaufmann
Mathematica® by Example
Martha L. Abell & James P. Braselton
Mathematica®: A Problem-Centered Approach
Roozbeh Hazrat
Data Visualization
Robert Grant
ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society (1)
Mathematische Optimierung mit Computeralgebrasy[..] Einführung ...
Hans Benker
Approximation Theory and Algorithms for Data Analysis
Armin Iske