Hands-On GUI Programming With C++ and Qt5
Lee Zhi Eng
Rise of the Machines: A Cybernetic History
Thomas Rid
The Fox and the Hound
Daniel P. Mannix
Evidentiality: The Linguistic Coding of Epistemology
Wallace L. Chafe & Johanna Nichols & Roy O. Freedle
Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
George Springer
Introduction to Real Analysis
Christopher Heil
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers I: ...
Carl M. Bender & Steven A. Orszag
Computational Mathematics and Applications
Dia Zeidan & Seshadev Padhi & Aliaa Burqan & Peer Ueberholz
Approximate Calculation of Integrals
V. I. Krylov & Arthur H. Stroud
Encyclopedia of Optimization
Christodoulos A. Floudas & Panos M. Pardalos
Higher Index Theory
Rufus Willett & Guoliang Yu
Mutational and Morphological Analysis: Tools for Shape Evolution ...
Jean-Pierre Aubin
Essential Calculus with Applications
Richard A. Silverman
Experiments in Mathematics using Maple
Christopher Tj Dodson & Elizabeth A. Gonzalez
Infinite Powers
Steven Strogatz
Infinitesimal Methods of Mathematical Analysis
J S Pinto & R. F. Hoskins
Limits, Limits Everywhere: The Tools of Mathematical Analysis
David Applebaum
Limits, Series, and Fractional Part Integrals: Problems in Mathematical ...
Ovidiu Furdui
Mathematical Analysis: A Straightforward Approach
K. G. Binmore & Kenneth George Binmore
Mathematical Analysis: Approximation and Discrete Processes
Mariano Giaquinta & Giuseppe Modica
Mathematical Analysis: Foundations and Advanced Techniques for ...
Mathematical Analysis: Functions of One Variable
Problems in Mathematical Analysis: Real Numbers, Sequences, ...
Wiesława J. Kaczor & Wiesława Kaczor & Maria T. Nowak
Reading, Writing, and Proving: A Closer Look at Mathematics
Ulrich Daepp & Pamela Gorkin
Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians
Filippo Santambrogio
Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications (87)