Volume 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East
Carl Gustav Jung
Kubernetes Best Practices
Brendan Burns
Great books of the Western World - Volume 21
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc
The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum ...
Carl Schmitt
Play by the Rules: The Short Story of America's Leadership: ...
Michael Pembroke
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: with MapleTM
Jonathan M. Borwein & Matthew P. Skerritt
Computational Mathematics and Applications
Dia Zeidan & Seshadev Padhi & Aliaa Burqan & Peer Ueberholz
Encyclopedia of Algorithms
Ming-Yang Kao
Experiments in Mathematics using Maple
Christopher Tj Dodson & Elizabeth A. Gonzalez
Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python
Michael L. Bynum & Gabriel A. Hackebeil & William E. Hart & Carl D. Laird & Bethany L. Nicholson & John D. Siirola & Jean-Paul Watson & David L. Woodruff
The Mathematica® GuideBook for Numerics
Michael Trott
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: with Mathematica®
Information Visualization: An Introduction
Robert Spence
Mathematische Optimierung mit Computeralgebrasy[..] Einführung ...
Hans Benker
Approximation Theory and Algorithms for Data Analysis
Armin Iske
Advanced Linear Modeling: Multivariate, Time Series, and Spatial ...
Ronald Christensen
Advanced Linear Modeling
Springer Texts in Statistics (1)
Fuzzy-Logik: Einführung in die algebraischen und logischen Grundlagen
Gert Böhme
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming and Fuzzy Matrix Games
C. R. Bector & Suresh Chandra
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems
Alexander Mielke
Differential Equations: An Introduction with Mathematica®
Clay C. Ross
Applied Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms for Scientists and ...
Urs Graf
Aspects of Semidefinite Programming: Interior Point Algorithms ...
E. de Klerk
Frontiers of Numerical Analysis: Durham 2004
James F. Blowey & Alan W. Craig
The Limits of Mathematics: A Course on Information Theory and ...
Gregory J. Chaitin