Myths and Legends Explained The World's Most Enduring Myths ...
Niel Philip
Manual of Specialised Lexicography: The Preparation of Specialised ...
Henning Bergenholtz & Sven Tarp
Recursive Number Theory: A Development of Recursive Arithmetic ...
Reuben Louis Goodstein
Modeling Nature: Cellular Automata Simulations with Mathematica®
Richard J. Gaylord & Kazume Nishidate
Analysis with Mathematica®
Galina Filipuk & Andrzej Kozlowski
Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast
René Dirven & Ralf Pörings
Methods in Cognitive Linguistics
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez
Jeannette Littlemore
Mother Tongue
Bill Bryson
Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Systemic Functional Perspectives
Kay O'Halloran
Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research
Gary Patrick Barkhuizen & Phil Benson & Alice Chik
Natural Language Generation in Interactive Systems
Amanda Stent & Srinivas Bangalore
Natural Language Processing: The PLNLP Approach
Karen Jensen & George E. Heidorn & Stephen D. Richardson
Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, ...
G. A. Kempen
Natural Language Processing in the 1980s: A Bibliography
Gerald Gazdar & Alex Franz & Karen Osborne & Roger Evans
Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Atefeh Farzindar & Diana Inkpen
Natural Language Processing using Very Large Corpora
S. Armstrong & Kenneth W. Church & Pierre Isabelle & Sandra Manzi & Evelyne Tzoukermann & David Yarowsky
The Nature and Origin of Language
Denis Bouchard
Negotiating and Contesting Identities in Linguistic Landscapes
Robert Blackwood & Elizabeth Lanza & Hirut Woldemariam
Negative Indefinites
Doris Penka
Neurolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives on SLA
Janusz Arabski & Adam Wojtaszek
Meaning and Truth in African Philosophy: Doing African Philosophy ...
Grivas Muchineripi Kayange
New Discourse on Language: Functional Perspectives on Multimodality, ...
Monika Bednarek & J. R. Martin
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Noam Chomsky & Institute Professor & Professor Of Linguistics (emeritus) Noam Chomsky
New Perspectives on the Origins of Language
Claire Lefebvre & Bernard Comrie & Henri Cohen