DMT Handbook - Everything about the craziest drug in the world, ...
Christopher Rottmann
Linux Cookbook: Essential Skills for Linux Users and System ...
Carla Schroder
A PhD Is Not Enough!: A Guide to Survival in Science
Peter J. Feibelman
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate—Disco[..] ...
Peter Wohlleben
From Metaphysics to Ethics: A Defence of Conceptual Analysis
Frank Jackson
Occupying Wall Street: The Inside Story of an Action That Changed ...
Writers for the 99%
One Nation
Candy Carson & Ben Carson Md
Q Is for Quantum: An Encyclopedia of Particle Physics
John Gribbin
Periods in Quantum Field Theory and Arithmetic
Eberhard Zeidler
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (314)
Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Dialogue Systems: A Data-driven ...
Verena Rieser & Oliver Lemon
Rupturing African Philosophy on Teaching and Learning
Yusef Waghid & Faiq Waghid & Zayd Waghid
Democracy in Canada
Donald J. Savoie
Secrets of Mental Math
Arthur Benjamin & Michael Shermer
Secrets of Western Tantra
Christopher S. Hyatt & Robert Anton Wilson & Israel Regardie
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
John Resig & Bear Bibeault & Josip Maras
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
T. Harv Eker
Permaculture - A Designers Manual
Bill Mollison
Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë
A Barfield Sampler Poetry and Fiction
Owen Barfield
Python Distilled
David Beazley
Python Packages
Tomas Beuzen & Tiffany Timbers
Chapman & Hall/CRC The Python Series (1)
Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook
Zhenya Antic
Practical Python Data Visualization
Ashwin Pajankar
Human-Computer Interaction in Game Development with Python Design ...
Joseph Thachil George & Meghna Joseph George
A Functional Start to Computing with Python
Ted Herman