Viking Language 1: Learn Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas
Jesse L. Byock
Toward a dynamic theory of emotion: The component process model ...
Klaus R. Scherer
Emotional Intelligence for Sales Leadership: The Secret to Building ...
Colleen Stanley
Building Isomorphic JavaScript Apps: From Concept to Implementation ...
Jason Strimpel & Maxime Najim
The Conflict with Slavery Volume VII
John Greenleaf Whittier
Occupy Nation
Todd Gitlin
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
Douglas Murray
After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, Racism and Free Speech
Gavan Titley & Des Freedman & Gholam Khiabany & Aurélien Mondon
Eurabia: come l'Europa è diventata anticristiana, antioccidentale, ...
Bat Ye'Or
Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw & Luke Charles Harris & Daniel Martinez Hosang & George Lipsitz