Malleus Maleficarum
Heinrich Kramer & James Sprenger
Ockham to the Speculative Mystics (Christian Library)
Frederick Copleston
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: The Foundation of Modern Philosophy
Otfried Höffe
The LaTeX Companion
Michel Goossens & Frank Mittelbach & Johannes Braams & David Carlisle & Chris Rowley & Christine Detig & Joachim Schrod
Seltene dysautonome Syndrome: K2 Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer ...
J. Hoppe & M. Rosenkranz
Epistemic Modality, Language, and Conceptualization: A Cognitive-Pragmatic ...
Jan Nuyts
Adjective Classes: A Cross-Linguistic Typology
R. M. W. Dixon
Advances in morphology
Wolfgang U. Dressler & Martin Prinzhorn & John R. Rennison
Trends in linguistics : [...]. Studies and monographs (97)
Asymmetry in Morphology
Anne-Marie Di Sciullo
Canonical Morphology and Syntax
Dunstan Brown & Marina Chumakina & Greville G. Corbett
Distributed Morphology Today
Ora Matushansky & Alec P. Marantz
English Prosodic Morphology
Sabine Lappe
Functional Structure in Morphology and the Case of Nonfinite ...
Peter Nielsen
Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology: A General Theory of Inflection ...
Robert Beard
Morphological Analysis in Comparison
Wolfgang U. Dressler
Morphological productivity : structural contraints in English ...
Ingo Plag
Topics in English linguistics (28)
Morphological Length and Prosodically Defective Morphemes
Eva Zimmermann
Peter H. Matthews
Processing Syntax and Morphology: A Neurocognitive Perspective
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Matthias Schlesewsky
Reconnecting Language: Morphology and Syntax in Functional Perspectives
A. M. Simon-Vandenbergen & Kristin Davidse & Dirk Noel
The Interplay of Morphology and Phonology
Sharon Inkelas
The Handbook of Morphology
Andrew Spencer & Arnold M. Zwicky
Understanding and Measuring Morphological Complexity
Matthew Baerman & Dunstan Brown & Greville G. Corbett
Word and Paradigm Morphology
James P. Blevins
Yearbook of Morphology 2005
Geert Booij & Jaap van Marle