The Two-Dimensional Argument Against Materialism (Abridged Paper)
David John Chalmers
.NET Framework Solutions: In Search of the Lost Win32 API
John Mueller
Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings From ...
Mizuko Ito & Heather A. Horst & Matteo Bittanti & Danah Boyd & Becky Herr Stephenson & Patricia G. Lange & C. J. Pascoe & Laura Robinson & Sonja Baumer & Rachel Cody & Dilan Mahendran & Katynka Z. MartÃnez & Dan Perkel & Christo Sims & Lisa Tripp
Philosophy of Race: An Introduction
Naomi Zack
The Astronaut's Wife
Robert Tine
React Native Cookbook: Bringing the Web to Native Platforms
Jonathan Lebensold
React - Up and Running: Building Web Applications
Stoyan Stefanov
Applied Natural Language Processing with Python: Implementing ...
Taweh Beysolow Ii
Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with ...
Akshay Kulkarni & Adarsha Shivananda
Machine Learning with PySpark: with Natural Language Processing ...
Pramod Singh
Getting Started with JUCE
Martin Robinson
Robust Python: Write Clean and Maintainable Code
Patrick Viafore
Impractical Python Projects: Playful Programming Activities ...
Lee Vaughan
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python: Best Practices for Development
Kenneth Reitz & Tanya Schlusser
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java
V. Scott Gordon & John L. Clevenger
Kafka: The Definitive Guide: Real-Time Data and Stream Processing ...
Gwen Shapira & Todd Palino & Rajini Sivaram & Krit Petty
P. Raghu - Internals of Python 3.x. Derive Maximum Code Performance ...
Prashanth Raghu
TypeScript Essentials
Christopher Nance
Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript
Dan Vanderkam
High Performance Python: Practical Performant Programming for ...
Micha Gorelick & Ian Ozsvald
Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner
Michael Hausenblas
Docker: Up and Running
Karl Matthias & Sean P. Kane
GitOps Cookbook: Kubernetes Automation in Practice
Natale Vinto & Alex Bueno
Kubernetes Native Development: Develop, Build, Deploy, and Run ...
Benjamin Schmeling & Maximilian Dargatz
Kubernetes - Up and Running: Dive Into the Future of Infrastructure ...
Brendan Burns & Joe Beda & Kelsey Hightower & Lachlan Evenson