Great Books of the Western World - Volume 3
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc
The DevOps 2.6 Toolkit: Jenkins X: Cloud-Native Kubernetes-First ...
Viktor Farcic
Passions and Perceptions: Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy ...
Martha Craven Nussbaum & Jacques Brunschwig
Advanced Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Operations: ...
Robert J. Girod
SoapUI Cookbook
Rupert Anderson
Getting Started With Kubernetes - Second Edition
Jonathan Baier
GitOps and Kubernetes
Billy Yuen & Alex Matyushentsev & Jesse Suen & Todd Ekenstam
Getting Started With Istio Service Mesh
Rahul Sharma & Avinash Singh
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
Jon Erickson
Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux
James Freeman
Introducing Azure Kubernetes Service
Steve Buchanan & Janaka Rangama & Ned Bellavance
Kubernetes Management Design Patterns
Deepak Vohra
Kubernetes Microservices With Docker
Kubernetes Security and Observability
Brendan Creane & Amit Gupta
Kubernetes in Action
Marko Luksa
Pro Docker
Using Docker
Adrian Mouat
Pro Java Microservices With Quarkus and Kubernetes
Nebrass Lamouchi
Cleaning Excel Data With Power Query Straight to the Point
Oz Du Soleil
Straight to the Point (1)
Excel Dashboards & Reports for Dummies
Michael Alexander
Microsoft Excel 365 Bible
Michael Alexander & Dick Kusleika
Bible (1)
Advanced Excel Essentials
Jordan Goldmeier
Excel VBA Programming for Dummies
Dick Kusleika
The Big Book of Dashboards
Steve Wexler & Jeffrey Shaffer & Andy Cotgreave
Algorithms for Dummies
John Paul Mueller & Luca Massaron