Coping with Manipulation
Windy Dryden
Valentinus Gnosticus?
Christoph Markschies
Quick Start Kubernetes - 2022 Edition
Nigel Poulton
Philosophy of Mind
Jaegwon Kim
Egyptian Yoga - The Philosophy of Enlightenment - Vol 1
Muata Ashby
Python Machine Learning
Sebastian Raschka
A Student's Guide to Python for Physical Modeling
Jesse M. Kinder & Philip Nelson
Mastering Python High Performance
Fernando Doglio
Python Parallel Programming Cookbook
Giancarlo Zaccone
Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming - Second Edition
Dusty Phillips
Docker: Up and Running
Karl Matthias & Sean P. Kane
Using Docker
Adrian Mouat
Mastering Jenkins
Jonathan McAllister
Web Scraping com Python: Coletando dados na Web moderna
Ryan Mitchell
WebGL Insights
Patrick Cozzi
Pro Couchbase Development: A NoSQL Platform for the Enterprise
Deepak Vohra
Building Web Applications With Python and Neo4j
Sumit Gupta
Beginning Python Games Development, Second Edition
Will McGugan & Harrison Kinsley
Python for Data Science for Dummies
John Paul Mueller & Luca Massaron
Swift Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
T. Michael Rogers
Reliable JavaScript
Lawrence D. Spencer & Seth H. Richards
NumPy: Beginner's Guide - Third Edition
Ivan Idris
Building Web Applications With Flask
Italo Maia
Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations, Techniques, and ...
Matthew O. Ward & Georges Grinstein & Daniel Keim