Das Christentum bei C. G. Jung: Philosophische Grundlagen, psychologische ...
Henryk Machon
GAMMA: Eulers Konstante, Primzahlstrände und die Riemannsche ...
Julian Havil
Numpy Essentials
Liang-Hua Chin & Tanmay Datta
Ian Talks Algos & Data Structures A-Z
Ian Eress
WebDevAtoZ (2)
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Lee J. Bain & Max Engelhardt
Deep Learning
Ian Goodfellow & Yoshua Bengio & Aaron Courville
Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series (1)
Differential Equations with Mathematica®
James P. Braselton & Martha L. Abell
K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering with Python
Joel Grus
Micromechanics with Mathematica®
Seiichi Nomura
Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces. (AM-61), Volume 61
John Milnor
Matrix Algebra with Mathematica®
Cesar Perez Lopez
Mathematical Analysis using Mathematica®
Algorithmen von Hammurapi bis Gödel: Mit Beispielen aus den ...
Jochen Ziegenbalg & Oliver Ziegenbalg & Bernd Ziegenbalg
Linear Algebra with Mathematica®
Cesar Lopez Perez
Mathematica®: A Problem-Centered Approach
Roozbeh Hazrat
Contemporary Abstract Algebra
Joseph Gallian
Joy of Finite Mathematics
Chris Tsokos & Rebecca D Wooten
Mastering SciPy
Francisco J. Blanco-Silva
Computational Music Analysis
David Meredith
A Treatise on Universal Algebra: With Applications, Volume 1
Alfred North Whitehead
A First Course in Network Theory
Ernesto Estrada & Philip Knight
Doing Math With Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, ...
Amit Saha
Introduction to Measure Theory and Functional Analysis
Piermarco Cannarsa & Teresa D'Aprile