Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Ronald K. Tacelli & Peter J. Kreeft
Christian Mysticism
William Ralph Inge
The Dimensions of Paradise
John Michell
Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby
John Prados
Machine Learning for Text
Charu C. Aggarwal
The Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing ...
Amit Goswami Ph.d. & Deepak Chopra
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
Lynne McTaggart
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified ...
Paul A. Laviolette
Master Key System
Charles F. Haanel
Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind
Joe Dispenza
The Secret
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret (1)
The Convoluted Universe: Book One
Dolores Cannon
The Convoluted Universe: Book One (1)
Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness
Rupert Sheldrake & Terence McKenna & Ralph Abraham
Breaking the Godspell: The Politics of Our Evolution
Neil Freer
Jung and the Alchemical Imagination
Jeffrey Raff
Jesus and the Essenes
Power Versus Force: An Anatomy of Consciousness : The Hidden ...
David R. Hawkins
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
Rupert Sheldrake
Stalking the Wild Pendulum
Itzhak Bentov
They Walked with Jesus
You Are the Placebo (Audio Book)