Programming JavaScript Applications: Robust Web Architecture ...
Eric Elliott
Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics
Katarzyna Kopczewska
Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance (1)
One Nation Under Blackmail – Volume 2
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Abstract Algebra
David S. Dummit & Richard M. Foote
Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education
Steve Lerman
Missing Data
John W. Graham
Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences (1)
Justifying War
D. Welch & J. Fox
Bringing Down the Krays
Bobby Teale
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law
Michel Rosenfeld & András Sajó
Oxford Handbooks (1)
Occupy Nation
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Still the Best Hope
Dennis Prager
The Oxford Handbook of Capitalism
Dennis C. Mueller
The Rich and the Rest of Us
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Hierarchical Linear Modeling
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Force Decisions
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The Oxford Handbook of Governance
David Levi-Faur
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Greta Christina
Unions for Beginners
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For Beginners (1)
Indian Mythology
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Heaven's Command
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Pax Britannica
Our Culture, What's Left Of It
Theodore Dalrymple
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The Politics of History in Contemporary Africa
M. Eze
Jewish Wisdom
Joseph Telushkin