Risk and Uncertainty in a Post-Truth Society
Sander van der Linden & Ragnar E. Löfstedt
Double Star
Robert A. Heinlein
Empty Justice: One Hundred Years of Law, Literature and Philosophy ...
Melanie Williams
Assessing Grammar
James E. Purpura
Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity
Mike Cernovich
Natural Language Processing with Java
Richard M. Reese
Pro JPA 2 in Java EE 8: An In-Depth Guide to Java Persistence ...
Mike Keith & Merrick Schincariol & Massimo Nardone
Pro Java 9 Games Development: Leveraging the JavaFX APIs
Wallace Jackson
Beginning Spring Boot 2: Applications and Microservices With ...
K. Siva Prasad Reddy
Spring Microservices in Action
John Carnell
High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing ...
Holden Karau & Rachel Warren
Spring Boot Messaging: Messaging APIs for Enterprise and Integration ...
Felipe Gutierrez
High-Performance Java Persistence
Vlad Mihalcea
Spring Boot in Action
Craig Walls
React.js Essentials: A Fast-Paced Guide to Designing and Building ...
Artemij Fedosejev
Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries: Swing, JavaFX, ...
Kishori Sharan
Java EE 7 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Josh Juneau
Building Hybrid Android Apps With Java and JavaScript
Nizamettin Gok & Nitin Khanna
JavaMail API: Sending and Receiving Email with Java
Elliotte Harold
Restlet in Action: Developing RESTful Web APIs in Java
Jerome Louvel & Thierry Templier & Thierry Boileau
Getting Started With D3
Mike Dewar
Building Hypermedia APIs With HTML5 and Node
Michael Amundsen
The Definitive Guide to Apache MyFaces and Facelets
Zubin Wadia & Martin Marinschek & Hazem Saleh & Dennis Byrne
Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component ...
Bryan Basham & Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates