Practical Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python
Sayan Putatunda
Language, the Loaded Weapon: The Use and Abuse of Language Today
Dwight Bolinger
Pseudo-Problems: How Analytic Philosophy Gets Done
Roy A. Sorensen
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning ...
Michael Shermer & Arthur T. Benjamin
The Bride Wore Scarlet
Liz Carlyle
Fraternitas Aureae Crucis (2)
The Secret Crusade: Assassin's Creed Book 3
Oliver Bowden
White House Years
Henry A. Kissinger
The Witness Tree
Brendan Howley & John J. Loftus
The Autobiography of Mark Twain
Mark Twain & Mark Twain Autobiography
Mark Twain Autobiography (1)
Yearbook of Morphology 2001
G. E. Booij & Jaap van Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 1998
Geert Booij & Jaap Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 1994
Yearbook of Morphology 2000
Yearbook of Morphology 1999
Yearbook of Morphology 1996
The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages: Volume 1, Structures
Martin Maiden & John Charles Smith & Adam Ledgeway
Swearing: A Cross-Cultural Linguistic Study
M. Ljung
Linguistic Realization of Evidentiality in European Languages
Gabriele Diewald & Elena Smirnova
The Trials of Zion
Alan M. Dershowitz
Meaning in Mind and Society: A Functional Contribution to the ...
Peter Harder
Eighteenth-Century English: Ideology and Change
Raymond Hickey
A Little Book of Language
David Crystal
Localism Versus Globalism in Morphology and Phonology
David Embick
Experience, Evidence, and Sense: The Hidden Cultural Legacy ...
Anna Wierzbicka