The Fairplay Book of Shipping Abbreviations: Acronyms & Abbreviations ...
Peter Kapoor
The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (10)
CR Manifolds and the Tangential Cauchy Riemann Complex
Al Boggess
Christian Mysticism and Incarnational Theology: Between Transcendence ...
Louise Nelstrop & Simon D. Podmore
Theory of Structured Parallel Programming
Yong Wang
A LaTeX Package for CSLI Collections - Draft
Edie Tor & Ed Itor
Short Math Guide for LaTeX
Michael Downes
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
Scott Pakin
LaTeX a Package for Typesetting “Byzantine” Music (Unknown)—
Ioannis A. Vamvakas & Panagiotis Kotopoulis
LaTeX - Eine Einführung Und Ein Bißchen Mehr...
Manuela Jürgens
LaTeX - Fortgeschrittene Anwendungen
Learning LaTeX
David F. Griffiths & Desmond J. Higham
Introduction to TeX/LaTeX
A. J. Hildebrand
LaTeX Math Symbols
Xiangwen Zhang
Secrets of LaTeX Modeling
Jan Martin Foerstemann
Diplomarbeit Mit LaTeX
Tobias Erbsland
An Introduction to Python and LaTeX Draft 2010
Pramode C. E.