The philosophy of Proclus - The Final Phase of Ancient Thought
Laurence Jay Rosàn
Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics ...
Susan Deborah Rothstein
The Men in the Jungle
Norman Spinrad
From Stonehenge to Modern Cosmology
Sir Fred Hoyle
Time Machine Tales
Paul J. Nahin
Science and Fiction (1)
Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction
Susan M. Wolf
Tree Models of Similarity and Association
James E. Corter
Plato's Theaetetus
David Bostock
The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations
Thomas M. Franck
Philosophy and Psychopathology
Manfred Spitzer & Brendan A. Maher
Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind-Brain
Patricia Smith Churchland
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology
Carl Gustav Jung & Constance Ellen Long