Why Honor Matters
Tamler Sommers
Software Architecture by Example: Using C# and .NET
Paul Michaels
Philosophy 101: A Primer for the Apathetic or Struggling Student
Max Malikow
A Student Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic
Eckehard Schulz
How We Think
John Dewey
The Scrum Culture: Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations
Dominik Maximini
Conceptions of Leadership: Enduring Ideas and Emerging Insights
George R. Goethals & Scott T. Allison & Roderick M. Kramer & David M. Messick
The Book of Leadership
Anthony Gell
Strategische Planung der Fertigungstiefe bei Unsicherheit und ...
Christian Huth
Wenn Grenzen keine sind: Management und Bergsteigen
Fredmund Malik
Systemic Change Management: The Five Capabilities for Improving ...
G. Roth & A. Dibella
Agile IT-Projekte erfolgreich gestalten: Risikomanagement als ...
Jonathan Brandstäter
Kooperation zwischen internen Service-Bereichen
Hermann Schuster
Risikomanagement der Gefahrgutbeförder[..] Einsatzpotential ...
Michael Huth
Value Stream Design: The Way Towards a Lean Factory
Klaus Erlach
Die Organisation des Wissens: Wie japanische Unternehmen eine ...
Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuchi
Screw Business as Usual: Turning Capitalism Into a Force for ...
Richard Branson
From Bud to Boss: Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable ...
Kevin Eikenberry & Guy Harris
Supply Chain as Strategic Asset: The Key to Reaching Business ...
Vivek Sehgal
The Open Innovation Revolution: Essentials, Roadblocks, and ...
Stefan Lindegaard
The Program Management Office Advantage: A Powerful and Centralized ...
Lia Tjahjana & Paul Dwyer & Mohsin Habib
Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and ...
Mike Rother
Toyota Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Approach to Toyota's ...
Ananth V. Iyer & Sridhar Seshadri & Roy Vasher
Lean Six Sigma: Erfolgreiche Kombination von Lean Management, ...
Armin Töpfer
Head First PMP
Jennifer Greene & Andrew Stellman