How Novels Think: The Limits of British Individualism From 1719-1900
Nancy Armstrong
Pierre Bayle's Cartesian Metaphysics: Rediscovering Early Modern ...
Todd Ryan
Edge AI: Convergence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Xiaofei Wang & Yiwen Han & Victor C. M. Leung & Dusit Niyato & Xueqiang Yan & Xu Chen
Democracy Must Work: A Trilateral Agenda for the Decade, a Tasf ...
Zbigniew Brzezinski & David Owen & Saburo Okita
J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment
Michael D. C. Drout
Septem sermones ad mortuos - Sermo
Carl G. Jung
Instant Rapport
Michael Brooks
Ecstasy: Understanding the Psychology of Joy
Robert A. Johnson
Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy
Mantak Chia & Michael Winn
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Study of the Structure of ...
Robert Dilts
No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth
Kenneth E. Wilber