Nachrichten mit Vokabeln 2010_03_19 Zwischenstopp Deutschland
Deutsche Welle
The Space of Time: A Sensualist Interpretation of Time in Augustine, ...
David van Dusen
The Central Intelligence Agency: An Encyclopedia of Covert Ops, ...
Jan Goldman
The Language of Demons and Angels: Cornelius Agrippa's Occult ...
Christopher I. Lehrich & I. Lehrich
Painleve Transcendents: The Riemann-Hilbert Approach
Alexander R. Its & A. S. Fokas & Andrei A. Kapaev & Victor Yu Novokshenov & Andrei I. Kapaev & V. Iu. Novokshenov
Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Utpal Chakraborty & Amit Banerjee & Jayanta Kumar Saha & Niloy Sarkar & Chinmay Chakraborty