Applied Machine Learning With Python
Andrea Giussani
Doctrine of Creation
Colin E. Gunton
Practical Seamanship: Essential Skills for the Modern Sailor
Linda Dashew & Steve Dashew
The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
Kalyan Kumar Sengupta & Kalyan Sen Gupta
The Geeks of War: The Secretive Labs and Brilliant Minds Behind ...
John Edwards
Immersive 3D Design Visualization
Abhishek Kumar
Python Machine Learning Workbook for Beginners
Ai Publishing
Modern PyQt
Joshua Willman
Beginning MLOps with MLFlow
Sridhar Alla & Suman Kalyan Adari
Beginning Game AI with Unity
Sebastiano M. Cossu
Blueprints for Text Analytics using Python
Jens Albrecht & Sidharth Ramachandran & Christian Winkler
TypeScript in 50 Lessons
Stefan Baumgartner
Practical Natural Language Processing with Python
Mathangi Sri
Enciclopedia de Elena G. de White
Denis Fortin & Jerry Moon
Bergbau Gleich Raubbau?
Volker Wrede
Network Hacks - Intensivkurs
Bastian Ballmann
Math for Programmers
Paul Orland
Applied Neural Networks with TensorFlow 2
Orhan Gazi Yalçın
Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics
Katarzyna Kopczewska
Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance (1)
Traefik API Gateway for Microservices
Rahul Sharma & Akshay Mathur
Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain
Lisa Feldman Barrett
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Yves Hilpisch
Machine Learning Cookbook with Python: Create ML and Data Analytics ...
Rehan Guha
Digitalisierung Und Nachhaltigkeit
Walter Leal Filho
Theorie und Praxis der Nachhaltigkeit (1)
Python Testing With Selenium
Sujay Raghavendra