Why Materialism Is Baloney: How True Skeptics Know There Is ...
Bernardo Kastrup
Introduction to Bimatrices
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy & Florentin Smarandache & K. Ilanthenral
Jewish Studies and Israel Studies in the Twenty-First Century: ...
Carsten Schapkow & Klaus Hoedl
Postmodernism vs. Truth in Management Theory - Chapter
Bill McKelvey
El secreto de la flor de oro
C. G. Jung & Richard Wilhelm
Useful Dictionary of Derived Words
Martin Manser
Excel VBA Programming for Dummies
Dick Kusleika
Pro Microservices in .NET 6
Sean Whitesell & Rob Richardson & Matthew D. Groves
Machine Learning for Risk Calculations
Ignacio Ruiz & Mariano Zeron
The Wiley Finance Series (1)
Django for Beginners
William S. Vincent
Practical Explainable AI using Python
Pradeepta Mishra
Data Science Bookcamp
Leonard Apeltsin
Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition MEAP
François Chollet
Beginning 3D Game Assets Development Pipeline
Nova Villanueva
Practical Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality
Susan E. McGregor
Advanced Unity Game Development
Victor G Brusca
Laptop From Hell
Miranda Devine
Hands-On Matplotlib
Ashwin Pajankar
Beginning React and Firebase
Nabendu Biswas
Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari
Continuous Machine Learning with Kubeflow: Performing Reliable ...
Aniruddha Choudhury
Algebraic Graph Algorithms
K. Erciyes
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (1)
The Real Anthony Fauci
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Children’s Health Defense (1)
Unity Networking Fundamentals
Sloan Kelly & Khagendra Kumar