Concepts of Soft Computing
Snehashish Chakraverty & Deepti Moyi Sahoo & Nisha Rani Mahato
Philosophy Then and Now: A Look Back at 26 Centuries of Thought ...
Zaine Ridling
Encyclopedia of Perception
E. Bruce Goldstein
The Great Accelerator
Paul Virilio
Some Ethnolinguistic Notes on Polar Eskimo
Stephen Pax Leonard
Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics (1)
Mathematical Analysis: Linear and Metric Structures and Continuity
Mariano Giaquinta & Giuseppe Modica
System Theory, the Schur Algorithm and Multidimensional Analysis
Daniel Alpay & Victor Vinnikov
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions
Felix Klein & Frances Hardcastle
Complex Analysis: In the Spirit of Lipman Bers
Jane P. Gilman & Irwin Kra & Rubí E. Rodríguez
Organic Computing
Rolf P. Würtz
Analysis II
Herbert Amann & Joachim Escher
Analysis Series from Herbert Amann and Joachim Escher (1)
Blow-Up Theory for Elliptic PDEs in Riemannian Geometry (MN-45)
Olivier Druet & Emmanuel Hebey & Frédéric Robert
Mathematical Notes (45)
Continued Fractions: Analytic Theory and Applications
William B. Jones & W. J. Thron
Mathematical Interest Theory
Leslie Jane Federer Vaaler & James Daniel
Analysis III
Function Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn
Walter Rudin
Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will
Nancey Murphy & George Ellis & Timothy O'Connor
The Concept of a Riemann Surface
Hermann Weyl & Gerald R. MacLane
Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?
Ian Nicholas Stewart & Martin Golubitsky
Complex Analysis
Joseph Bak & Donald J. Newman
Was ist Mathematik?
Richard Courant & Herbert Robbins
Convex Functions and Optimization Methods on Riemannian Manifolds
Constantin Udriste
Discovering Mathematics: A Problem-Solving Approach to Mathematical ...
Jiří Gregor & Jaroslav Tišer
Dimensional Analysis
J. C. Gibbings