Probability laws related to the Jacobi theta and Riemann zeta ...
Philippe Biane & Jim Pitman & Marc Yor
Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social ...
Ronald J. Harshbarger & James J. Reynolds
Causal Learning: Psychology, Philosophy, and Computation
Alison Gopnik & Laura Schulz
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry
Joseph Bristow & Professor Of English Joseph Bristow
Risiko Deutschland
Joschka Fischer
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, First Edition
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
Exploring the Digital Library: A Guide for Online Teaching and ...
Kay Johnson & Elaine Magusin
Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings
Stella Hurd & Tim Lewis
Teaching Mathematics Online: Emergent Technologies and Methodologies
Angel A. Juan & Maria A. Huertas & Sven Trenholm
Learning in Metaverses: Co-Existing in Real Virtuality
Eliane Schlemmer & Luciana Backes