Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American ...
Alfred W. McCoy & Francisco A. Scarano
Urban Computing
Yu Zheng
Knowledge Graphs Applied
Alessandro Negro & Vlastimil Kus & Guiseppe Futia & Fabic Montagna
The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, ...
Sally Sedgwick
The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World
Robert Kagan
Ontology and the Lexicon: A Natural Language Processing Perspective
Chu-Ren Huang & Nicoletta Calzolari & Aldo Gangemi & Alessandro Lenci & Alessandro Oltramari & Laurent Prevot
Language, Usage and Cognition
Joan Bybee
Music, Language, and the Brain
Aniruddh D. Patel
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences
Patrick Colm Hogan
Yearbook of Morphology 1996
Geert Booij & Jaap Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 1999
Yearbook of Morphology 2000
Yearbook of Morphology 1994
Yearbook of Morphology 2001
G. E. Booij & Jaap van Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 1998
The Philosophy of Generative Linguistics
Peter Ludlow
Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning
Garold Murray & Xuesong Gao & Terry Lamb
First and Second Language Acquisition: Parallels and Differences
Jürgen M. Meisel
Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia
Jean-Luc Nespoulous & Pierre Villiard
Verbal Minds: Language and the Architecture of Cognition
Toni Gomila
Linguistics Made Easy: Flash
Jean Aitchison
The Oxford Handbook of Tense and Aspect
Robert I. Binnick
Thought and Language, Revised and Expanded Edition
Lev S. Vygotsky
The Cambridge Handbook of Psycholinguistics
Michael Spivey & Ken McRae & Marc Joanisse