Against Proper Objects. Introduction
Judith P. Butler
A Road to Self Knowledge and the Threshold of the Spiritual ...
Rudolf Steiner
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Methods for Business and Economics
Edward T. Dowling
An Account of the Impression of the Almost Entire Sceleton of ...
William Stukely
Camino del Infierno
Daniel Estulin
Microservices with Docker, Flask, and React
Michael Herman
Passionate Histories: Myth, Memory and Indigenous Australia
Frances Peters-Little & Ann Curthoys & John Docker
The Docker Book
James Turnbull
Flask Framework Cookbook
Shalabh Aggarwal
Docker Cookbook
Sebastien Goasguen
Docker: Up and Running
Karl Matthias & Sean P. Kane
Using Docker
Adrian Mouat
Pro Docker
Deepak Vohra
The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit: Automating the Continuous Deployment ...
Viktor Farcic
DevOps Tookit from Viktor Farcic (1)
Kubernetes Microservices With Docker
Puppet for Containerization
Scott Coulton
Docker: The Complete Beginners Guide to Starting with Docker ...
Austin Spencer
Docker Networking Cookbook
Jon Langemak
Kubernetes Management Design Patterns
Microservices: Flexible Software Architecture
Eberhard Wolff
Troubleshooting Docker
John Wooten & Navid Shaikh
Advanced Microservices: A Hands-On Approach to Microservice ...
Thomas Hunter Ii
Pro Continuous Delivery
Nikhil Pathania
Mastering Docker - Second Edition
Russ McKendrick & Scott Gallagher
Cloud Native Python
Manish Sethi