America The Book: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction
Jon Stewart
Gurdjieff (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism)
Joseph Azize
Black and White Thinking
Kevin Dutton
Analytic Capacity and Rational Approximation
Lawrence Zalcman
Levinas and Kierkegaard in Dialogue
Merold Westphal
Mathematica® in Action
S. Wagon
The Philosophy of History
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Entered From the Sun: The Murder of Marlowe
George Garrett
Yearbook of Morphology 1991
G. E. Booij & Jaap van Marle
Reading William Blake
S. Behrendt
Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind
Julia Annas
La Philosophie Du Langage: Manuel International Des Recherches ...
Marcelo Dascal & Dietfried Gerhardus & Kuno Lorenz & Georg Meggle
Social Representations and the Social Bases of Knowledge
Mario von Cranach & Willem Doise & Gabriel Mugny
Planning English Sentences
Douglas Edmund Appelt
Yearbook of Morphology 1993
Geert Booij & Jaap van Marle
Passions and Perceptions: Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy ...
Jacques Brunschwig & Martha Craven Nussbaum
Toward a Philosophy of the Act
Mikhaïl Mikhaïlovitch Bakhtin & Michael Holquist
An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential ...
Kenneth S. Miller & Bertram Ross
Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings
Vijay Kumar Bhatia
Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Representations: Conference ...
Richard S. Elman & Murray M. Schacher & V. S. Varadarajan
Francis Katamba
Linguistic Disorders and Pathologies: An International Handbook
Gerhard Blanken & Jürgen Dittmann & Hannelore Grimm
Smoke and Mirrors: How Science Reflects Reality
James Robert Brown
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings ...
Jon Doyle & Erik Sandewall & Pietro Torasso
The Horse and His Boy
C. S. Lewis
Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological order (3)