Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java
V. Scott Gordon & John L. Clevenger
The Python Standard Library by Example
Doug Hellmann
Developer's Library (1)
The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, Volume ...
Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol
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Survival of the clearest - Article
Steven Pinker
Mathematica Tutorial
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion - Parts 1-4
Chad Meister & Chad V. Meister & Paul Copan
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion - Parts 5-9
Anarchy and Apocalypse: Essays on Faith, Violence, and Theodicy
Ronald E. Osborn
The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to ...
Carl McColman
Apophatic Bodies: Negative Theology, Incarnation, and Relationality
Chris Boesel & Catherine Keller
The Gospel Is for Christians
Mitchell L. Chase
In Adam's Fall: A Meditation on the Christian Doctrine of Original ...
Ian A. McFarland
Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of ...
John Milbank & Slavoj Zizek & Creston Davis
Hat die Wissenschaft Gott begraben?: Eine kritische Analyse ...
John Carson Lennox
Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue With ...
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Adam Smith as Theologian
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The Christ-Myth Theory and Its Problems
Robert M. Price
Who Is Jesus-- Really?: A Dialogue on God, Man, and Grace
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Christ Our Hope: An Introduction to Eschatology
Paul O'Callaghan
Is Theology a Science?: The Nature of the Scientific Enterprise ...
David Munchin
Stephen Hawking, das Universum und Gott
The Apocryphal Gospels: Texts and Translations
Bart Ehrman & Zlatko Plese
The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity
Gilles Emery, O. P. & Matthew Levering
Wisdom & Wonder: Common Grace in Science & Art
Abraham Kuyper & Jordan J. Ballor & Stephen J. Grabill & Nelson D. Kloosterman & Vincent E. Bacote & Gabe Lyons & Jon Tyson
Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists Are Missing the Target