A Companion to Ayn Rand
Gregory Salmieri & Allan Gotthelf
Blackwell Companions to Philosophy (1)
Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, ...
Jordan Ellenberg
A Jungle of Stars - Short Story
Jack L. Chalker
An Introduction to Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems
Jagdeep Kaur & Amit Kumar
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (340)
History That Shaped the World: 2 books in 1! (Vol. 1): The Roman ...
History Hour
Die Gesellschaft der Nachhaltigkeit: Umrisse eines Forschungsprogramms
Sighard Neckel & Natalia Besedovsky & Moritz Boddenberg & Martina Hasenfratz & Sarah Miriam Pritz & Timo Wiegand
Nachhaltige Nicht-Nachhaltigk[..] Warum Die ökologische Transformation ...
Ingolfur Blühdorn & Felix Butzlaff & Michael Deflorian & Daniel Hausknost & Mirijam Mock