Uncertain Projective Geometry: Statistical Reasoning for Polyhedral ...
Stephan Heuel
The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research ...
Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber & Burke Johnson
Coercion: The Power to Hurt in International Politics
Kelly M. Greenhill & Peter Krause
Software Test Automation: Effective Use of Test Execution Tools
Mark Fewster & Dorothy Graham
Industrial Project Management: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques
Adedeji Badiru & Abidemi Badiru & Adetokunboh Badiru
The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, Volume ...
Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol
Oxford Handbooks (1)
A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility
Nicola Gennaioli & Andrei Shleifer