Truth in Religion - The Plurality of Religions and the Unity ...
Mortimer Jerome Adler
The Liability of Classification Societies
Nicolai I. Lagoni
What Makes A Classical Concept Classical [Toward A Reconstruction ...
Don Howard
Python Coding Programming
The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism
George Eldon Ladd
The Book of Leadership
Anthony Gell
Conceptions of Leadership: Enduring Ideas and Emerging Insights
George R. Goethals & Scott T. Allison & Roderick M. Kramer & David M. Messick
The Scrum Culture: Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations
Dominik Maximini
Performance Excellence - Der Praxisleitfaden zum effektiven ...
Karl Werner Wagner & Gerold Patzak
Mit Scrum zum gewünschten System
Joachim Goll & Daniel Hommel
Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, ...
Joe Weinman
Value Creation and the Internet of Things: How the Behavior ...
Mr Alexander Manu
Risikomanagement in der Logistik: Konzepte – Instrumente – Anwendungsbeispiele
Michael Huth & Frank Romeike
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and ...
Michael A. Hitt & R. Duane Ireland & Robert E. Hoskisson
Systemic Change Management: The Five Capabilities for Improving ...
G. Roth & A. Dibella
Wie Managed-Service-P[..] gelingen: Eine Einführung
Roland Walther & Hans Joachim Hoppe
The Disruption Dilemma
Joshua Gans
Lean Digitization: Digitale Transformation durch agiles Management
Uwe Weinreich
Windows Group Policy Troubleshooting: A Best Practice Guide ...
Kapil Arya
DevOps for Digital Leaders: Reignite Business With a Modern ...
Aruna Ravichandran & Kieran Taylor & Peter Waterhouse
The PMO Lifecycle: Building, Running, and Shutting Down
William Dow
Projektmanagement - treffend verpackt: Über 800 Zitate ausgewählter ...
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Gmbh
Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 3): The Executive Summary
John Stark
Lean Management: Einführung und Vertiefung in die japanische ...
Frank Bertagnolli