Cause and Effect, Conditionals, Explanations
Richard L. Epstein
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
Colin McIntosh & Ben Francis & Richard Poole
Philosophy’s Treason: Studies in Philosophy and Translation
D. M. Spitzer
East and West in the Early Middle Ages: The Merovingian Kingdoms ...
Yaniv Fox & Stefan Esders & Yitzhak Hen & Laury Sarti
The Philosophy of Socrates
Nicholas Smith & Thomas C. Brickhouse
Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
Daniel Kahneman & Stewart Paul Slovic & Paul Slovic & Amos Tversky & Cambridge University Press
The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease
Carl Gustav Jung
The Evolving Self
Robert Kegan
New Trends in Conceptual Representation: Challenges to Piaget's ...
Ellin Kofsky Scholnick
Psychiatric Studies
Eye Movements in Reading: Perceptual and Language Processes
Keith Rayner
Beyond Formal Operations: Late Adolescent and Adult Cognitive ...
Michael L. Commons & Francis A. Richards & Cheryl Armon
The Practice of Psychotherapy: Essays on the Psychology of the ...
Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of ...
Robert C. Gardner
Minds New Science
Howard E. Gardner
Evidentiality: The Linguistic Coding of Epistemology
Wallace L. Chafe & Johanna Nichols & Roy O. Freedle
Neuronal Man: The Biology of Mind
Jean-Pierre Changeux
Psychology in Twentieth-Century Thought and Society
Mitchell G. Ash & William R. Woodward
TA Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis
Ian Stewart & Vann Joines
Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural-Language ...
Jay L. Garfield
The Heart of History: Individuality in Evolution
John Weir Perry
Piaget's Construction of the Child's Reality
Susan Sugarman
The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine
Nancy Qualls-Corbett
Generating Natural Language Under Pragmatic Constraints
Eduard H. Hovy & Yale Univ New Haven Ct Dept. Of Computer Science.