The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World
Robert Kagan
The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the Third Millennium
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Language Planning and Education
Gibson Ferguson
Learn Python Visually
Tristan Bunn
Domain-Specific Languages
Martin Fowler
Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler) (1)
Grammatical Analysis: Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics ; Studies ...
Stanley Starosta
Pragmatics in Speech and Language Pathology: Studies in Clinical ...
Nicole Müller
Scottish Puritanism, 1590-1638
David George Mullan
Building Natural Language Generation Systems
Ehud Reiter & Robert Dale
Doing Pragmatics
Peter Grundy
Vocabulary in Language Teaching
Norbert Schmitt
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Noam Chomsky & Institute Professor & Professor Of Linguistics (emeritus) Noam Chomsky
The Kinneavy Papers: Theory and the Study of Discourse
Lynn Worsham & Sidney I. Dobrin & Gary A. Olson
The Seeds of Speech: Language Origin and Evolution
Jean Aitchison
Morpheme Order and Semantic Scope: Word Formation in the Athapaskan ...
Keren Rice
Anaphora: A Cross-Linguistic Approach
Yan Huang
Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax
Birgit Gerlach & Janet Grijzenhout
Morphological Analysis in Comparison
Wolfgang U. Dressler
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing
Matthew W. Crocker & Martin Pickering & Charles Clifton
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language ...
Dan Jurafsky & James H. Martin & Andrew Kehler & Nigel Ward & Keith Vender & Autor Linden
Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
D. A. Cruse
Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers
Kathleen Graves
Explorations in Linguistic Relativity
Martin Pütz & Marjolyn Verspoor