Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica®: Band 1: Grundlagen, Lineare ...
Walter Strampp & Dörthe Janssen
Work and Weltanschauung - The Heidegger Controversy
Jürgen Habermas & John McCumber
Ancient Egyptian Construction and Architecture
Reginald Engelbach & Somers Clarke
Integrative Psychiatry
Daniel A. Monti & Bernard D. Beitman
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition
Robert B. Cialdini
The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations
Thomas M. Franck
Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction
Susan M. Wolf
Bioethics: A Return to Fundamentals
Bernard Gert & Charles M. Culver & K. Danner Clouser
Global Bioethics: The Collapse of Consensus
Tristram H. Engelhardt Jr.