The works of John Locke 02 by John Locke
John Locke
The Applied AI and Natural Language Processing Workshop: Explore ...
Krishna Sankar & Jeffrey Jackovich & Ruze Richards
Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural-Language ...
Jay L. Garfield
Philosophy and Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy, ...
John Shand
Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, ...
G. A. Kempen
DevOps and Containers Security: Security and Monitoring in Docker ...
Jose Manuel Ortega Candel
Beginning PyQt
Joshua M. Willman
Python GUI Programming Cookbook
Burkhard Meier
Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects
Zhuo Qingliang
Rapid GUI Programming With Python and Qt
Mark Summerfield
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ With Qt 4
Alan Ezust & Paul Ezust
SciPy and NumPy
Eli Bressert
Numpy Essentials
Liang-Hua Chin & Tanmay Datta
NumPy: Beginner's Guide - Third Edition
Ivan Idris
NumPy Cookbook
Ivan Idris & Numpy Cookbook
Mastering SciPy
Francisco J. Blanco-Silva
NumPy Beginner's Guide (Second Edition)
Time Series Forecasting using Deep Learning: Combining PyTorch, ...
Ivan Gridin
Time Series Forecasting in Python
Marco Peixeiro
The Pythonic Way: An Architect’s Guide to Conventions and Best ...
Sonal Raj
Test Your Skills in Python - Second Edition: An Interactive ...
Dr. Shivani Goel
Sparse Estimation With Math and Python
Joe Suzuki
Simulation With Python
Rongpeng Li & Aiichiro Nakano
Python for Data Science for Dummies
John Paul Mueller & Luca Massaron
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration
Noah Gift & Jeremy Jones