Living Water: Images, Symbols, and Settings of Early Christian ...
Robin Jensen
Language and National Identity in Asia
Andrew Simpson
Programming Language Pragmatics
Michael L. Scott
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd Ed.
Edward R. Tufte
Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology
Henrietta L. Moore & Todd Sanders
Knowledge Alchemy: Models and Agency in Global Knowledge Governance
Tero Erkkilä & Meng-Hsuan Chou & Niilo Kauppi
Transhumanism, Nature, and the Ends of Science
Robert Frodeman
Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations ...
David L. Lewis
China's Race to Global Technology Leadership
Alessia Amighini
Revolutionary Mathematics: Artificial Intelligence, Statistics ...
Justin Joque
The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics
Bonnie Steinbock
Money: Vintage Minis
Yuval Noah Harari
The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the ...
Arthur Koestler